
Thursday 21 July 2016

Technician Guide IT

Common Software

Hardened OpenVPN Server on Debian 8


This tutorial assumes you have the following:
  • One fresh Debian 8.1 Droplet
  • A root user

Step 1 — Install OpenVPN

Before installing any packages, update the apt package index.
  • apt-get update
Now, we can install the OpenVPN server along with easy-RSA for encryption.
  • apt-get install openvpn easy-rsa

Wednesday 20 July 2016

Vps(linux) commad

For debian or ubuntu

Make sure you have root access 
if no taip
su -

Install nano
apt-get install nano

Setup Anonymous Elite Proxy Debian/Ubuntu

For ubuntu or Debian 

apt-get install squid3 build-essential libssl-dev
cd /etc/squid3

nano squid.conf

Setup Vpn(pritunl)

*Depend Server Version

For ubuntu 14 64bit

Before we proceed, make sure that your server is updated. If not, then run the following commands.
sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgrade